Donbass/Novorossia, l'actu en images - 14-16 février 2015
Donbass, l'actu en images - 14-16 fév 2015
Traductions (eng) et sous-titres : Kazzura.
[eng subs] "Liberation" -- "Ghost" brigade enters Debaltsevo and evacuates 135 civilians...
[eng subs] DPR PM Zakharchenko talks to captive UAF spetsnaz in Debaltesvo.
[eng subs] DPR PM Alexandr Zakharchenko interview on the streets of Debaltesvo.
NAF troops entered town and are sweeping it now "Debaltsevo is our rear, according to the agreements all illegal armed formations should be either disarmed or neutralized. We're disarming and neutralizing them now".
[eng subs] Alexei Mozgovoi interview 16/02/15. New sanction & sitrep on Debaltsevo.
[eng subs] NAF soldier at Debaltsevo "Washington started this war"...
Alexandr Zakharchenko presser 14/02/15
(New Minsk agreements come into effect at 00:00 15/02)
11:15 Publié dans Blog, Guerriers, Histoire européenne, Ukraine / Novorossiya | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : ukraine, novorossia, novorossiya, donbass, debaltsevo, alexandr zakharchenko, alexei mozgovoi, donetsk, lougansk, rpd, rpl, soldats
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